India has strongly condemned the deaths of civilians and stressed the importance of adhering to international humanitarian law
Participating in the United Nations General Assembly's 10th Emergency Special Session on Palestine, Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj, India's permanent representative to the UN, emphasized India's position on the conflict and reiterated the need for a Two-State solution.

Kamboj also expressed India's support for Palestine's membership at the UN.

The special session, held on Monday (May 13, 2024), was called in response to the prolonged conflict in Gaza, which has persisted for over seven months, leading to a severe humanitarian crisis. The session focused on the adoption of UNSC Resolution 2728, aimed at addressing the escalating situation. Ambassador Kamboj highlighted several key points in her address, reflecting India's stance on the issue.

Humanitarian Crisis and Civilian Casualties: Ambassador Kamboj expressed deep concern over the large-scale loss of civilian lives, particularly among women and children, due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. She emphasized that the resulting humanitarian crisis is unacceptable.

India has strongly condemned the deaths of civilians and stressed the importance of adhering to international law and international humanitarian law under all circumstances.

Condemnation of Terrorism: Kamboj condemned the terror attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023, calling them shocking and deserving of unequivocal condemnation. She reiterated India's longstanding and uncompromising stance against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

India demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, underscoring that there can be no justification for terrorism and hostage-taking.

Humanitarian Aid to Gaza: The humanitarian situation in Gaza is dire, with urgent need for increased humanitarian aid to prevent further deterioration. Kamboj called on all parties to collaborate in scaling up aid efforts.

India has actively provided humanitarian aid to the people of Palestine and will continue to do so. Kamboj acknowledged the recent facilitation of a greater flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza by Israeli authorities and welcomed the efforts of the UN and the international community in this regard.

Support for a Two-State Solution: India firmly believes that only a Two-State solution, achieved through direct and meaningful negotiations between both sides on final status issues, will bring about enduring peace. Kamboj emphasized that India is committed to supporting a solution where the Palestinian people can live freely in an independent country within secure borders, while also considering Israel's security needs.

To achieve a lasting solution, India urged all parties to foster conditions conducive to resuming direct peace negotiations at an early date.

Support for Palestine's UN Membership: Reflecting India's longstanding position, Kamboj expressed support for Palestine's membership at the UN. India voted in favor of the resolution, hoping that Palestine's application would be reconsidered by the Security Council and eventually endorsed.

Kamboj concluded by reaffirming India's commitment to supporting Palestine's efforts to gain full membership at the UN.

The 10th Emergency Special Session of the UNGA on Palestine highlighted the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and work towards a sustainable solution to the conflict.

India's clear and consistent stance, as articulated by Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj, underscores the importance of international cooperation and adherence to humanitarian principles in resolving the conflict. The adoption of UNSC Resolution 2728 marks a significant step towards addressing the immediate needs of the affected populations and paving the way for long-term peace in the region.