As a Platoon Commander, Major Radhika Sen fostered a safe and inclusive environment for both men and women under her command
In a landmark recognition of her outstanding contributions to peacekeeping and gender advocacy, Major Radhika Sen of the Indian Army has been awarded the 2023 United Nations Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award. Serving with the United Nations Organization Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), Major Sen has demonstrated exceptional dedication to promoting gender equality and supporting conflict-affected communities.

Major Sen will receive her award from UN Secretary-General António Guterres during a ceremony marking the International Day of UN Peacekeepers on May 30, 2024. This accolade not only honours Major Sen’s achievements but also serves as an inspiration for peacekeepers worldwide to continue advocating for gender equality and inclusive peacebuilding.

"Major Radhika Sen will be honored with the UN Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award on May 30th for her outstanding service in DR Congo. Her dedication and bravery highlight the invaluable role of #women peacekeepers in building a better world. We are incredibly proud of her achievements and inspired by her commitment to peace and equality," India's Permanent Representative to the UN in New York Ruchira Kamboj posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday (May 29, 2024).

Major Sen served as the Commander of MONUSCO’s Engagement Platoon for the Indian Rapid Deployment Battalion (INDRDB) from March 2023 to April 2024. Her tenure in the volatile region of North Kivu, eastern DRC, was marked by her proactive engagement with local communities, particularly women and children, amidst an escalating conflict environment.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres praised Major Sen’s leadership and compassionate approach. “Major Sen is a true leader and role model. Her service was a true credit to the United Nations as a whole. In an escalating conflict environment in North Kivu, her troops actively engaged with conflict-affected communities, including women and girls,” Guterres remarked. “She earned their trust doing so with humility, compassion, and dedication," he added.

“Gender-sensitive peacekeeping is everybody’s business – not just us, women. Peace begins with all of us in our beautiful diversity!” Major Sen expressed upon receiving the news of her award.

Innovative Approaches in Peacekeeping

Major Sen’s innovative approaches in peacekeeping included leading mixed-gender engagement patrols and establishing Community Alert Networks. These networks provided platforms for community leaders, young people, and women to voice their security and humanitarian concerns, which Major Sen and her colleagues worked diligently to address.

Her efforts extended beyond security to education and empowerment initiatives. Major Sen facilitated English classes for children and offered health, gender, and vocational training for displaced and marginalized adults. These initiatives not only provided immediate support but also inspired solidarity and self-organization among women in the communities she served.

One notable example of her impact was in the village of Kashlira near Rwindi town. Major Sen encouraged local women to organize themselves to collectively address issues, advocate for their rights, and amplify their voices in local security and peace discussions. Her advocacy and support played a crucial role in empowering these women to participate more actively in their community’s peacebuilding processes.

As a Platoon Commander, Major Sen fostered a safe and inclusive environment for both men and women under her command. She ensured that her team’s engagement with the local population was sensitive to gender and socio-cultural norms, thereby building trust and increasing the effectiveness of their peacekeeping efforts.

Born in Himachal Pradesh in 1993, Major Radhika Sen joined the Indian Army eight years ago. She holds a degree in biotechnology engineering and was pursuing a Master’s degree from IIT Bombay before deciding to join the armed forces. 

Her deployment to MONUSCO as the Engagement Platoon Commander from March 2023 to April 2024 has been a testament to her dedication and leadership in challenging environments. Her commitment to gender-sensitive peacekeeping has been widely recognized and appreciated.

India Committed to Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusion 

Major Sen’s award marks the second time an Indian peacekeeper has received this prestigious honor, following Major Suman Gawani, who was a co-recipient in 2019. Other past honorees have come from countries including Brazil, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, highlighting the global recognition of exceptional contributions to gender advocacy in peacekeeping.

India currently stands as the 11th largest contributor of women military peacekeepers to the United Nations, with 124 women deployed. Major Sen’s achievements and recognition further underscore India’s commitment to promoting gender equality and the inclusion of women in peacekeeping roles.

Established in 2016, the United Nations Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award recognizes the dedication and efforts of individual military peacekeepers in promoting the principles of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security. The award highlights the importance of integrating a gender perspective into peacekeeping activities and ensuring women’s participation in peace and political processes.

In acknowledging the significant contributions of Major Radhika Sen, the international community reaffirms its commitment to gender-sensitive peacekeeping and the essential role of women in achieving sustainable peace and security. Major Sen’s legacy will undoubtedly inspire future generations of peacekeepers to uphold the principles of equality, compassion, and dedication in their service to global peace.