The International Solar Alliance was launched by India and France on November 30, 2015
In a significant development, Spain has officially become the 99th member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA). The Instrument of Ratification was handed over by Ambassador José María Ridao Domínguez of Spain to Abhishek Singh, Joint Secretary in the External Affairs Ministry and Head of Depository, during a meeting in New Delhi on May 21, 2024. This milestone marks a crucial step forward in global efforts to combat climate change through the deployment of solar energy solutions.
The ISA was conceived as a coalition of solar resource-rich countries to address their unique energy needs. It was launched on November 30, 2015, by India and France on the sidelines of the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris. The Alliance aims to mobilize efforts to reduce the cost of solar energy, facilitate its deployment, and bring together countries to address common challenges related to solar energy.
Towards 1000 Strategy: Central to ISA's mission is its ambitious "Towards 1000" strategy, which seeks to mobilize USD1000 billion in investments in solar energy solutions by 2030. The strategy also aims to deliver energy access to 1000 million people using clean energy solutions and achieve the installation of 1000 gigawatts (GW) of solar energy capacity. This comprehensive plan is expected to mitigate global CO2 emissions by approximately 1000 million tonnes annually, significantly contributing to global climate goals.
By joining the ISA, Spain aligns itself with the global effort to enhance solar energy deployment, ensure energy security, and drive energy transition in member countries. 
The European Union (EU) has been a staunch supporter of the ISA. On December 11, 2018, the EU signed a joint declaration for cooperation with the ISA. To date, 11 EU countries, including Spain, have signed and/or ratified the ISA Framework Agreement. The EU's support includes developing the ISA’s collaborative and knowledge platform and other programs aimed at promoting the development of solar energy globally.
Key Initiatives by ISA
The 6th Session of the ISA Assembly, held in New Delhi from October 30 - November 2, 2023, highlighted several key initiatives and decisions aimed at accelerating solar energy deployment. Presided over by RK Singh, Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy and President of the ISA Assembly, the session saw participation from ministers and delegates from 116 member and signatory countries.
One of the significant outcomes was the decision to increase the Viability Gap Funding (VGF) cap for solar projects from 10% to 35% of the project cost. This decision aims to attract more investments into developing countries, particularly in Africa, by making solar projects more financially viable.
The ISA has been actively involved in funding and supporting solar projects in various countries. Notable projects inaugurated during the 6th Assembly include:
Malawi: Solarization of the parliament building.
Fiji: Solarization of two rural health care centers with 8-kW solar PV systems and 20-kWh battery storage.
Seychelles: Installation of a 5 MT solar-powered cold storage for agricultural stakeholders on La Digue Island.
Kiribati: Solarization of the Nawai Junior Secondary School with a 7-kW Solar PV rooftop system and 24-kWh battery storage.
ISA's efforts extend beyond project funding to capacity building and training. The organization has set up training centers across Africa, providing expertise and support to member countries. These initiatives aim to build local capacity and ensure the sustainability of solar projects.
The Way Forward
As the world grapples with the dual challenges of climate change and energy access, the ISA stands as a beacon of hope. The organization’s focus on renewable energy sources, particularly solar, positions it as a critical player in the global energy landscape. By fostering environments conducive to investment and sharing best practices, the ISA aims to make solar energy the primary energy source for its member countries.
Spain's membership in the International Solar Alliance marks a significant milestone in global efforts to harness solar energy for sustainable development. With its ambitious goals and collaborative approach, the ISA is poised to play a pivotal role in the global energy transition. As more countries join the alliance, the collective effort to combat climate change through solar energy will only strengthen, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.